Repair Service

We provide a complete repair service for your luggage.

To get your luggage repaired, visit our warehouse (opening hours). Our friendly staff will collect your contact details and give you a repair note with a unique reference number. We'll move your item to our specialized repair department with this note. Call us after a week to check the repair status and arrange a pickup time.

We know cost matters, so we have transparent pricing. Repairs start at €23, with extra fees for specific services like lock resets (€2) or wheel replacements (€15). We aim to offer quick and reliable repair solutions for our valued customers. Repair times may vary based on part availability, but we usually target 7 to 14 days.

Repair Rates:

Base rate: €23

  • Combination lock reset: + €2
  • Zip runner: + €2
  • Stopper: + €4
  • Top or Side Handle: + €4
  • Combination lock: + €6
  • Trolley handle: + €6
  • Wheel: + €15
  • Stitching: + €8
  • Trolley system: + €10

Under no circumstances do we offer parts for sale. If you require a component, you must utilize our complete service.